Non-Financial Rewards for Employees
In today’s dynamic workplace, the currency of appreciation extends far beyond the pay check. Forward-thinking companies are now embracing non-financial rewards for employees, a practice that enriches staff engagement, fosters a vibrant company culture and anchors loyalty that money can’t buy.
Gift cards stand out among non financial rewards. They are the perfect combination of flexibility and personalisation. With SWIRL’s non cash gift cards, recipients can choose exactly how they use their rewards—be it indulging in their favourite hobbies, upgrading their tech gear or treating loved ones to a fine dining experience. SWIRL Gift cards offer limitless choice so your team can use their reward on exactly what they want or need.
Besides their inherent appeal, there’s a strategic advantage to non-financial rewards—the tax benefits. In Ireland, rewarding employees with non cash gift cards can be a tax-efficient move. Under the Small Benefits Exemption, businesses can offer non-cash gifts up to a certain value tax free, boosting the appeal of rewards that don’t allow access to cash. You can find out more about the rules surrounding the small benefit scheme in our post here and at Revenue’s website here.
Ideas That Spark Joy and Productivity
So, how do you design an employee rewards program that resonates with employees ? Get creative. Offer a day off for the next personal milestone, commemorate work anniversaries with a SWIRL Gift Card that employees can spend at over 45 million stores worldwide or better yet, establish a ‘kudos’ system where peers can nominate each other for a SWIRL Gift card—a modern take on staff rewards that champions community and recognition.
Using SWIRL for Strategic Recognition
At SWIRL, we don’t just offer gift cards; we deliver a comprehensive solution for your employee incentives program. Our cards cater to a diverse array of interests and needs, ensuring that every employee feels seen and valued. It’s a token that says, “We appreciate you,” loud and clear, and it’s a gesture that can significantly boost staff retention rates.
The SWIRL Gift Reward Difference
As you pivot to non financial rewards for employees, consider the impact your reward can have on employees. With our gift cards, you’re not just giving a present; you’re providing an experience and a statement of appreciation that will resonate long after the card is used. Ready to transform your reward system? Let us help you elevate your employee recognition game.
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